Kendall's Fund
Mini-Masters Tournament
Our Family's Experience with Stillbirth
About Us/Contact Us
Donations to the Kendall Pearson Resource Fund can be sent via e-transfer to:
[email protected]
Fund Sources
Donations in 2006 in honour of Kendall's birth
Mini-Masters tournament "carpet fees" (2007-present)
"Jim's Jar" at Scott's of Muskoka in Bracebridge, ON (2006-2015)
Dianne's homemade soap at Midwives of Muskoka clinic
Donations from parent education workshops
Birthing tub rental donations from Kim/Andrew Ratjke
Thank-you donations from clients of Midwives of Muskoka
production ticket sales (March 2011)
Proceeds from raffle at Midwives of Muskoka picnic (2013-present)
Silent Auction proceeds from Swap'N'Play event in Gravenhurst (2012-2016)
Room "rental" donations from chiropractor Kelly McIntosh
Proceeds from BBQ at MoM picnic (2022)
Fund Allocations
Financial aid for clients without OHIP
Television for prenatal education classes
Heated birth pool + birth tub liners for midwifery clients
Iron supplements for anemic mother
Financial aid to a new parent with cancer
Aid to bereaved parents of a stillborn son
Start-up funds for a Post-Partum Peer Support Group
Aid to mother after complicated birth
Herbs for mother with PPMD ($30.00)
Entinox system for homebirths ($1800.00)
Aid for medical expenses of injured mother ($1000.00)
Puzzles/books for clinic ($40.00)
Bulk purchase of PPMD books ($300.00)
Aid for parents travelling to Sick Kids ($300.00)
Honorarium for photographer of stillborn babies ($100.00)
Monetary assistance for pelvic physiotherapy appts
Victoria's Quilts donation for a cancer survivor with young children
Restaurant gift cards for surviving parents of a SIDS baby ($150.00)
$500 donation towards gas and accommodation costs for parents of a young child battling leukemia
Purchased multiple plaques ($15 per plaque) to honour children at the Memorial Gazebo on Peninsula Trail
If you prefer to donate using PayPal, click on the Donate button below
Kendall's Fund
Mini-Masters Tournament
Our Family's Experience with Stillbirth
About Us/Contact Us